If you are unsure of which classes are right for your child OR want to check to see if there are openings in a specific class, please call us at 575-527-1893 or email at michelesdanceacademy@gmail.com
Scroll down to read registration information and sign up for classes!
Tuition is paid every four weeks and an invoice will be emailed on the first date of each
tuition period. From the date of invoice, you have 10 days to pay before a late fee of $10 will be incurred. Payment is made via the parent portal by credit card or ACH
Draft. Payments can also be accepted at the front desk (cash, credit card or check). Any returned checks must be paid within 7 days via cash or by calling in a credit card; a $25
returned check fee will be added. I also agree to assume all responsibility for all legal and collection fees incurred for delinquent accounts.
Registration enrolls your student through the May Recital and the four week period following the recital. Charges will continue to accrue until ACTUAL notice of dis-enrollment is given to Michele’s Dance Academy. Students wishing to withdraw from a class or from the Academy must do so via email to michelesdanceacademy@gmail.com
Student may be refused admittance to a class if tuition payment is more than one month overdue. Recital Fees must be paid and tuition must be current in order to participate in performances (Holiday Spectacular in December and Extravaganza in May). Please note that all prepaid tuition and recital fees are non-refundable. I also acknowledge that participation in performances is NOT mandatory, but that if I do participate, there may be rehearsals outside of class time or at a performance theatre at no additional cost.
Students should not attend class if they have a fever, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, infected skin or eyes or suspected communicable disease or lice . Please notify the studio if your child will not be attending class; call (575) 527-1893 or email michelesdanceacademy@gmail.com Please note - missed classes (i.e. illness, vacation or other) for the dance season, camps or workshops are non-refundable. If the studio cancels class due to instructor illness (when a replacement cannot be found) classes will be re-scheduled. If the studio cancels class due to an emergency i.e. inclement weather, power outage etc. classes will not be re-scheduled and are non-refundable. The school does reserve the right to alter class schedules, for any reason either temporarily or permanent without fault.
Students / Parents are
responsible for make-up classes that should be attended for classes missed. I understand that my child can make-up classes with any class of any type at their level within the same
semester as the missed classes. Make-up classes must be scheduled in advance to allow for social distancing guidelines that may be in effect; you can call or email.
EXCESSIVE ABSENCES: Students with excessive class absences may be dropped from a class and/or pulled from the recital dance with no refund. This is at the teacher's discretion. Dancers with excessive
absences will receive a warning via email.
Michele’s Dance Academy will not be held liable for any stolen or damaged property.
I realize that any program that involves movement or dance can result in physical injury. In allowing my child to participate in Michele’s Dance Academy’s activities, I hereby assume all the risks associated with the performing arts. I understand the importance of myself and my child following the instructions and rules set by their instructor(s). As the legal parent or guardian, I hereby release and hold harmless Michele’s Dance Academy, its owners and instructors from any and all liability, claims, demands and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises of Michele’s Dance Academy or at performances. Permission is hereby granted to the studio and its representatives to transport my child to a local doctor or hospital for medical treatment if necessary in the event that they are not able to reach a parent or guardian. I hereby declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health.
Any photos or recordings will be at the discretion of Michele’s Dance Academy and will only be allowed when expressly indicated. All choreography remains the property of the school with all rights of ownership retained by the school. Students of Michele’s Dance Academy automatically grant permission to Michele’s Dance Academy to use their photos and videos for advertising and publicity purposes, inclusive of print advertising, social media postings, educational videos, television, videotaping, or film broadcast in connection with promotional campaigns.
After your submitted form is received, your confirmation will be sent via email. We will contact you by return email with registration fee details and other information.
Thank you for choosing Michele's Dance Academy!